Monday, February 04, 2008

Nationalism & Patriotism

During one of my Rise & Fall of Great Powers meeting, the topic of nationalism and patriotism came up.

My project mate Jeremy asked me what I felt about nationalism. Well I think that nationalism is often (mis)used by politicians to divert the attention on a country's domestic problems. However nationalism is not an absolute evil; at least it helps to foster patriotism.

Compared to other countries, Singapore seems to have a problem with patriotism among its citizens. A recent study shows that many Singaporeans neither know the meaning behind the national flag nor how to recite the national pledge. So much so for all the national education.

I've seen extreme cases; Singapore is like Hell to them and they can't wait to leave. Sounds like biting the hand which feed them. Frankly speaking, most of the foreigners whom I met so far are all much more patriotic. Even the Malaysian Chinese, despite the discrimination, do love their country.

My Thai teacher did not give up her Thai citizenship despite staying decades here; most of the Indians (even those who become naturalized) would tell you that India is the greatest country in the world. Similarly the Chinese national said the same thing.

So what went wrong? I don't know. Singaporeans based overseas seem to be more patriotic. Absence makes the heart fonder indeed.


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