Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Stuff of the Legends

I could go for the football tournament at NUS last Saturday as there was no docs training.

The tournament was yet another high point for KACC; this time round the team qualified from the group stage WITHOUT scoring a single goal.

We are all so proud of the achievement that we forgot to take the customary team photo.

Ultimately we were defeated 0-1 by the team of Europeans who complained about our time-wasting.

Oh wells... Playing to penalties was our gameplan all along...

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Monday, October 13, 2008

Strengths & Weaknesses

A post on discoveries.

I discover that I have this strength: I'm able to keep working relationships with people whom I don't like. (And they don't seem to find out too)

This is an acquired skill; I'm not sure whether I should be happy about it. (Since I list it as a strength then most probably I should be.)

It means that I am getting more hypocritical. Perhaps it's all part of man's survival instinct?

I also discover one of my weaknesses: I never seem to leave good first impression. Someone mentioned that I was intimidating; come on... I'm as harmless as a fly.

Maybe I should smile more.

Say cheese. =)

Friday, October 10, 2008


I didn't think of myself as a sensitive person but I was rather disturbed by one of my project members. Somehow I felt that some of his actions and words towards a particular person of the fairer sex would constitute as sexual harassment; I believe that there are dudes got punished for less serious stuff in the workplaces.

Well, since the victim doesn't feel victimised or offended, I don't know what should I do about it.

There may be other girls (or guys like me) who find his remarks offensive.

It is also likely that his behavior will get worse if no one reins him in. If he thinks that his actions are alright, he will bring the same mentality to the workplace in the future. The repercussions by then will be be so simple as compared to now.

An ethical dilemma...

Perhaps it's only me being over-sensitive.