Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Although I've been thinking of this thing for quite some time, somehow I didn't manage to put them down into words.

VJC was created out of VS; hence both schools shared the same alumni association.

The million dollar question in my mind is:

Are the Victorians from VJC equivalent to the Victorians of VS?

The answer is easy if one is a VS boy who goes on to VJC.

How about VS boys who didn't go to VJ or VJC students who were not from VS?

The official answer should be: Yes, we are all Victorians.

But are we really the same?

For me the answer is obviously no.

Of course I'm biased but do let me explain.

Firstly, there are no common experiences for the 2 different sets of students. I didn't go into VJC so I don't know what the hell happened there and neither do the VJC students knew what the heck the VS boys went through. Hence I feel that it isn't fair to equate both sets of students

Secondly, the Victorian spirit is definitely stronger on the VS side. I don't think anybody can argue with this.

Thirdly, VJC seems to view VS as the poor cousin and doesn't mind a divorce since VS cannot supply it with the talents for their own program. How to equate the students if one school doesn't exactly treat the other as equal?

Almost every year there will be calls for VS to accept girls so that VJC through-train program can compete with the ACS and the Raffles' schools.

An absolute disgrace to me; VJC seems to conveniently forget the fact that it won't even exist without Victoria School. Talking about biting the hand which feed him; isn't this a wonderful example?

Should Victoria School sacrifice its years of traditions just to satisfy VJC's selfish needs? Of course not. Will VS bow to the pressure of VJC? I afraid so. However, VS will not be better off without VJC as nowadays many students actually enrolled because of the affiliation.

The pressure is not only from VJC; I have to admit that it is the whole state of the education system in Singapore which creates the situation.

My VS days were the most memorable ones; I will make the same choice if I were to do it all over again. Many of the close friends remain those I knew back in VS. I learn that there are much more beyond good academic results; the caramaderie, the culture and the spirit are unlikely to be recreated elsewhere.

Perhaps these experiences define who are true Victorians.

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