I saw the reactions for my last entry on some of the others' blogs and my tag board. Glad to know that the Victorian spirit is well and alive among the 4C'01 guys.
I went to buy bag on Sunday evening. I was supposed to meet Shahid only but was really surprised to find him with Mus and Suf. They were nice enough to tag along with us for a while until we parted ways. I got my bag (finally) and went home to prepare for the Business Camp aka Bondue Camp the next day.
I didn't know which group I was in when I got there. I knew that Kenny (my classmate from 2C) was in my og but couldn't locate him. In the end one of the facilitators helped me. Kenny really looked quite different from the last time I saw him. Time really flies. I got to meet my facilitators and the other group members before we began the first activity of the whole camp.
We had dance rehearsal for our first activity before going out to play the Amazing Race. We were the last group to return and were made to do some silly forfeit. There was bidding for the venue and items for the next day's charity drive in the evening and our group was successful in securing the items and venue we wanted. (Thanks to Yihan and CK.)
Second day began with the career services orientation and after that we went for the charity drive. I was hopeless in persuading people to buy stuff but luckily my partner covered for me. We were done rather early and even had the time to go chill out at Gelare. We had buffet dinner before attending the Dance Night. Our section's dance wasn't bad but Section 1's was better. There were other games for the night as well and I think that the whole business school knows who's Georgia is already.
The night was obviously still young and my group combined with group 10 to play the drinking game. I wasn't really keen but since the girls were okay I had to join in. Rum with sprite and whisky with green tea was the poison for the night. I think Ken Ang will love this game. I drank quite a bit but it wasn't as bad as last Friday's. I really need some time to get used to the SMU's culture.
The last day comprised of group games. Out of the five games my group won 3 drew 1 and lost 1. Not too bad but we were nowhere among the top in the overall standings. Some of the prizes didn't make sense too. How the hell section 2 was the best section will probably remain a mystery.
I didn't speak much throughout the whole orientation. Everyone were thinking that I'm very shy. (Luckily not dao.) Finding stuff to talk about isn't easy. It happened not only to girls but also to the guys as well. I think I know what's the reason. I'm just being protective of myself. Saying nothing beats saying something wrong. I don't want to embarrass myself. If I were to say out everything in my head, I would have offended everyone within the first hour.
I met up with Shahid, Ho Teck, Kendrick and Kok Wai for supper last night. Certainly I had no problems talking cock with them. We knew one another so long already and it was really fun trading all the insults and silly jokes. I was certainly not shy while with them but it's a totally different story when I'm with a group of people I don't know or unfamiliar with. I really need to work on that.
By the way it was the 3rd consecutive night that I had supper and there's one more tomorrow evening. Supper is very unhealthy and I'm already feeling the effect. I must quit having supper.
Today I went out with my og after the academic talk. I think I managed to put in more words than the 3 other days combined. Alright it's exaggerated but it's probably somewhere there. I'm more familiar with the the group members now so I'm able to talk a bit more. Melvin's advice is to talk shit with people you just met. It sounds a little hard but I may give it a try during the Freshmen's Camp next week.