Thursday, March 22, 2007


Saturday is going to be my LTB's presentation.

Currently I'm under gag order from my group not to reveal anything about our presentation to other project groups. We also have to hide our preparation from the other groups until the presentation day. At the same time, we are all speculating about what other groups are doing for their presentations.

So far we managed to get a rough idea what some other groups are doing from our intelligence reports. However I don't think that we really need to know this.

Firstly even we know exactly what the other groups are doing, what can we do? We go and sabotage them ah? Cannot be right... I think that it is not very easy to come up with very original presentation ideas in such a short time as well. So not much point finding out.

Secondly who knows whether they are playing mind games? Maybe they are trying to affect us by spreading around the wrong information. So I'm not totally believing all the stuff that I've been hearing.

Thirdly and most importantly, I think our presentation will be not bad. If there is any other group who can match us in terms of props and fluff, I will be damn damn impressed la. So as long as we do our parts well, everything else should turn up fine for us.

Hmmm... Can't wait for Saturday to come and show them what we are made of...


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