Thursday, May 31, 2007

My ICT (Part 1)

This week was my 1st in-camp training since I ORD-ed.

So I had to return to the place which was my home for almost 2 years - Sungei Gedong Camp.

My NSman's career began with yet another parade; my nth one since I missed my POP in Tekong. NDP, CO COC, Turn-ops Parade, Brigade CO COC, you name it and I was certainly in it.

Standing under the hot sun in green is rather alien to me now. However it was always good to see so many of the familiar faces back for the ICT.

Many familiar things trigger a sense of nostalgia in me: the scents and sounds in the vehicle shed, the food in the canteens and Jimmy's lousy car in front of Attila Company line all bring back memories of the NSF days.

Some things do remain unchanged. Platoon 3 still has a bunch of people who report sick to 'siam' the training; the toilets are still as filthy and hands are bound to be dirty at the vehicle shed.

However there are also things which have changed. Attila drains are full of weeds now; Swee got himself a girlfriend and some of the platoon 2 guys are actually more 'garang' now.

Somehow everybody are more cooperative and more willing to share the work as compared to last time. Perhaps it is all about being more grown-up and mature after being exposed to the harsh realities of working or studying lives.

I will update more on the ICT after it ends on Saturday evening.


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