The Devil Loves Prada

Second movie in two days and this time is Meryl Streep's The Devil Loves Prada. I think that this movie qualifies as a chick flick which surprisingly is one of my favourite genres. LOL... Sounds so gay here but this type of movies are so fun.
Anne Hathaway looks good in her frumpy clothes and looks even hotter when she decked out in all the chic attires. I always think that her wide-eyed looks bears an uncanny resemblance to the legend Audrey Hepburn.
Anyway I thought that there was an underlying message in the movie; very often we are influenced by the environment which we are in and we evolve into somebody whom we don't want to be.
Will I do the same as Meryl Streep's Miranda if I were going to be replaced? Probably I would but I don't want to find out.
It's the Devil Wears Prada.
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